WEBOMATIC Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Wir bauen Vertrauen seit 1958
are the reliable solution for the quick, easy and safe vacuum packaging of small products.
The successful WEBOMATIC easyPACK-mk3 table machine is used for quick vacuum packaging in the food trade, supermarkets, gastronomy, food trucks, and hunters' meat packaging.
It is supplied with insert plates that allow you to reduce the chamber volume and optimize the product height to the sealing bar's height.
The double sealing bars are the main feature of the popular table machines
C 15-HLD and E 15-D ßasic.
They allow fast and easy parallel or oblique packaging at the same time.
The C version of this machine is equipped with the sensor-controlled computer WEBOMATIC C 3000 S and uses Soft Air and MAP for gentle vacuuming of delicate products.
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Mo-Thu 7:30 – 16:15
Fr 7:30 – 15:00
Mo-Thu 7:00 – 15:30
Fr 7:00 – 14:00
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