
Tray Sealer


The semi-automatic tray sealer TL 250 is made for the craft.

Traysealer TL-250

The  tray sealer WEBOMATIC® TL 250 is user-friendly, hygienic, reliable, and above all, versatile.

Effortlessly it covers the packaging needs in craft and catering or for the production of sample packaging in laboratories and in the industry.

Due to its compact dimensions, as well as the robust and service-friendly construction, the Tray Sealer TL 250 can also be used in small spaces or in corner areas.

Tray Sealer TL 250

The tray sealer WEBOMATIC® TL 250 is user-friendly, hygienic, reliable, and above all, versatile.

Effortlessly it covers the packaging needs in craft and catering or for the production of sample packaging in laboratories and in the industry.

Due to its compact dimensions, as well as the robust and service-friendly construction, the Tray Sealer TL 250 can also be used in small spaces or in corner areas.

Tray sealing machines extend the shelf life of your foodstuffs.
This way they reach the end consumer's table with their freshness, colour and taste intact.

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Thanks to WEBOMATIC CleanDesign®, these tray sealers are easy to clean inside and out.

Very easy to operate:

In just a few minutes and without tools, the operator can change film, format and sealing tools quickly and efficiently.


Thanks to WEBOMATIC CleanDesign®, these tray sealers are easy to clean inside and out.

Very easy to operate:

In just a few minutes and without tools, the operator can change film, format and sealing tools quickly and efficiently.

Packaging solutions

The small, semi-automatic tray sealing machines are the ideal solution to start professional packaging in pre-made trays.

WEBOMATIC® TL 250 can be adapted to specific customer requirements through a variety of available options.


WEBOMATIC® TL 250 can be adapted to specific customer requirements through a wide range of available options.

Discover our complete line of
Tray Sealers

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